Tuesday, 22 March 2011


Well, that was interesting! Some nice comments came out of the YTB Bookclub discussion of Witherstone, and a few of these are:

§         loved this, and particularly liked that the family were an ordinary working family. I liked the character of Grandad Creswell, a sort of curmudgeonly socialist!

(which prompted this on TwitterRedScareBot Robot J. McCarthy
@Commies R here! RT @siancummins #yettobebooks 'a sort of curmudgeonly socialist' - http://tinyurl.com/6eyp7e9   - lol !!)

But back to the discussion...

§         there was a strong political string to the book, with Grandad Creswell and Grandma tugging not-neccesarily-opposite ends of it

§         It’s an enormously tense story, but with very careful detail that is very interesting and balances the powerful surge of the main plot

-      I mean detail in the sense of elemental happenings I think, rather than overdescription…there’s none of that. You can reach out and touch things in the story, so the characters’ ordinary lives are of as much interest as the unordinary things that happen to them.

o        I read the book as an adult without feeling it was written for a younger person and not for me, but could also see that it would be compelling and readable to someone of 9 – late teens.

So how does it work as part of a series?

-   ... it works very well as a stand-alone, but at the same time – knowing there are more – I’m gagging to see what happens next!

Favourite characters...?

- Grandad Creswell and Eppie – angry socialist grandad who makes a lot of sense, and tenacious, layered, likeable main character

And more from Twitter...

#yettobebooks 'I think the book is really exciting'- http://tinyurl.com/6eyp7e9

#yettobebooks the “truth” is always more complex than a simple one-side or the other'- http://tinyurl.com/6eyp7e9


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