
A tale of sinister enemies, witchcraft, social politics, and murder...  

“Witherstone is a really outstanding read – good old-fashioned storytelling, in the very best sense; engaging and gripping as only the most skilfull writing can be.”
 Gordon Askew, Education Consultant.

“It’s genuinely ‘unputdownable’, and was still circling through my mind long after I’d finished.”
Scraggle Hag, reviewer.

“The plot is gripping and the narrative carries the story with pace, creating a feeling of deep unease as Eppie uncovers the truth… I can’t wait for the next instalment.” Caretaker.

'a well-crafted plot, an exciting story and a vulnerable yet brave heroine we can readily identify with ... an unputdownable adventure.'  T.Stoker, Write Club.

Witherstone tells the story of Hephzibah Creswell, an ordinary girl from a farm-labouring family in 17th Century Lancashire, who discovers that she and her family have a mysterious and deadly enemy ...



Original illustration by H C C Brunning;  
Photograph of Carrion Crow courtesy and ©Darren Chapman of www.nottsbirders.net